Users should start by selecting the appropriate category of your drone operations (i.e. Clicking on any shape will present an information window providing further details. Areas filled with orange require permission from the Nav Canada, Parks Canada, National Defence, or an airport operator. Areas filled with yellow require additional caution due to other air traffic. The map uses colour to identify areas that require additional caution, or are prohibited from drone flights. Next, either manually centre the map using standard zoom/pan controls, or use the Search icon ( ) to search for a location, or centre the map by using your device's geolocation. Select the appropriate category by using the 'operation details' tab that opens when you click on the Gamepad icon ( ).Ģ. Send feedback to the website developersġ. Centre the map on a geographic location Specify details about your operation/qualifications Use the icons in the sidebar of the map to perform the following functions: All drones over 250 grams must be registered with Transport Canada, and flown by a pilot with a drone pilot certificate.
If you fly a drone in Canada you must follow the rules that help keep people and aircraft safe.